Sunday, September 11, 2011


Jillian went to her 1st Husker game last nite. She had a great time cheering and watching a Big Ten team win!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day at Mahoney State Park

We spent a relaxing day at Mahoney State Park climbing the observation tower, going on the paddle boats, riding our bikes, and ending the day with fishing.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Busy Weekend with Family & Friends in the pool

Eating popsicles on the deck with Brayden

With a heat index of over 100 we decided we better get out the water slide.

Steve as the official Lifeguard on duty

Jaclyn & Aidan

Jillian resting in the shade at the top

Jaclyn enjoying the water at the bottom

Even Jerome gets his own pool

Brayden and Jaclyn catching frogs
Jillian with the largest catch
Checking out the flooding at the river front

Racing down the slides at Zorinsky
Art & Jillian at the pool

Loving summer!!