Thursday, November 5, 2009


Cheryl, Brayden, & Jaime

Cammie, Sam, Jillian, Aidan, Jaclyn, & Brayden


Steve & Brayden

Count Jerome

Cammie, Sam, & James

Jillian kissing Sam

Jillian & Jaclyn

The Welands-Halloween 2009

Monster Jaclyn

Sleeping Beauty & a Little Purple Monster

Sleeping Beauty Jillian

Jillian & Jaclyn

The Girls

Happy Monster

Our Pumpkins

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hide N Seek

Are they coming?

Do they see me?

They found me!

Jaclyn's 1st Haircut

Always on the move

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

Jaclyn not sure about her sister as a pink tiger.

Playing at the Dora vanity

Jillian driving Jaclyn around in the Jeep .
Who gave this girl a license?

Jilly plays soccer

Jiily played soccer this year and had a lot of fun. Last week her game was cancelled because of snow!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Having Fun

Jaclyn is into everything. Jillian is very helpful and trys to keep her out of things she shouldn't be in. They are best friends and are always playing together.


We went fishing on the 4th of July. Jillian caught 5 fish all by herself. She has no problem pulling the worms apart for bait.